開設年度 2016 年度
科目コード T201001
授業コード T20100101, T20100102
授業科目名 住宅史
同上英語名 History & Conservation of Domestic Architecture
単位数 2.0 単位
開講学科 工学研究科建築・都市科学専攻(建築学コース) (T211)
自然科学系総合研究棟1 323セミナー室
選択科目S30(T211:工学研究科建築学コース(前期), T212:工学研究科都市環境システムコース(前期), T221:工学研究科デザイン科学コース(前期), T231:工学研究科機械系コース(前期), T232:工学研究科電気電子系コース(前期), T233:工学研究科メディカルシステムコース(前期), T241:工学研究科共生応用化学コース(前期))
自学部他学科生 履修可,他学部生 履修可;主に建築前期課程の大学院生(M1、M2)を対象とするが、後期課程の大学院生も受け入れる。
  1. An outline of the Japan Open-air folk House Museum (Kawasaki City) and an Introduction to Japanese Folk Houses (minka)part 1 (Text: Nihon Minkaen English Guidebook. その性格と成立の背景について理解する。課題:How would you rate open air museums as a way of keeping and presenting old houses?
  2. An outline of the Japan Open-air folk House Museum (Kawasaki City) and an Introduction to Japanese Folk Houses (minka)part 2 (Text: Nihon Minkaen English Guidebook). その性格と成立の背景について理解する。課題:How would you rate open air museums as a way of keeping and presenting old houses?
  3. The Buildings conserved in Nihon Minkaen - a discussion of 22 Historic Structures(1).(Text: Nihon Minkaen English Guidebook. その性格と特色について理解する。課題:Compare and contrast 2 of the structures in the Nihon Minkaen.
  4. The Buildings conserved in Nihon Minkaen - a discussion of 22 Historic Structures(2).(Text: Nihon Minkaen English Guidebook. その性格と特色について理解する。課題:Compare and contrast 2 of the structures in the Nihon Minkaen.
  5. The Minka of Kami Shiojiri - houses as barometers of change. an account of the houses of an unusual village near Ueda in Nagano Prefecture(1).それらについて理解する。課題:In what ways did the houses of Kami Shiojiri change in the first half of the 19th century and what do the changes indicate?
  6. The Minka of Kami Shiojiri - houses as barometers of change. an account of the houses of an unusual village near Ueda in Nagano Prefecture(2).それらについて理解する。課題:In what ways did the houses of Kami Shiojiri change in the first half of the 19th century and what do the changes indicate?
  7. The frame of the Yoshida House - how a structure can tell its own story: an in-depth study of the structural frame of a Bakumatsu house in Kashiwa(1). それについて理解する。課題:Choose a Japanese vernacular house and write a descriptive analysis of its frame.
  8. The frame of the Yoshida House - how a structure can tell its own story: an in-depth study of the structural frame of a Bakumatsu house in Kashiwa(2). それについて理解する。課題:Choose a Japanese vernacular house and write a descriptive analysis of its frame.
  9. 京町家: the development of an urban dwelling type in and around the capital of medieval Japan(1). それについて理解する。課題:How did Kyo-machiya change during the course of the 16th century?
  10. 京町家: the development of an urban dwelling type in and around the capital of medieval Japan(2). それについて理解する。課題:How did Kyo-machiya change during the course of the 16th century?
  11. Edo-jo, castle palace of the Tokugawa from 1590 to 1868(1). それについて理解する。課題:Choose a Japanese castle palace and write a descriptive account of it.
  12. Edo-jo, castle palace of the Tokugawa from 1590 to 1868(2). それについて理解する。課題:Choose a Japanese castle palace and write a descriptive account of it.
  13. Japanese houses through history: perspectives for interpretation and problems defined(1). これについて理解する。課題:Compare Kon Wajiro's account of minka development with that offered by Professor Ota and offer your own appraisal of both.
  14. Japanese houses through history: perspectives for interpretation and problems defined(2). これについて理解する。課題:Compare Kon Wajiro's account of minka development with that offered by Professor Ota and offer your own appraisal of both.
  15. Elite and vernacular house types in pre-modern Japan - houses of the people, kitchens of the Great & the Great Kitchen in Context - its place and role in the Edo Period elite house. 本テーマについて理解する(1)。課題:Why do vernacular houses and elite kitchens resemble each other in early modern Japan?
  16. Elite and vernacular house types in pre-modern Japan - houses of the people, kitchens of the Great & the Great Kitchen in Context - its place and role in the Edo Period elite house. 本テーマについて理解する(2)。課題:Why do vernacular houses and elite kitchens resemble each other in early modern Japan?
Schoenauer, Norbert "6000 Years of Housing (revised & expanded edition)", Norton, 2000 (参考書) 、太田博太郎「日本住宅史の研究」、岩波書店、1984(参考書)

, Last modified: Wednesday, 23-Mar-2016 23:00:48 JST, syll Ver 2.80(2016-02-13) by Yas